Wills & Estates Law Section Report 2010‐2011

  • August 11, 2011

The Wills, Estates and Trusts Section had a full program this year.  In October, 2010, Peter Glowacki and Marla Shragge made a presentation with respect to Testamentary Trusts  ‐ The Under Utilized Planning Tool.    At the January, 2011 Mid‐Winter meeting, Dana Nelko and Anita Southall provided a comprehensive review of issues pertaining to the Removal of Personal Representatives.  In March, 2011, Joanna Knowlton, the Public Trustee of Manitoba, and Jana Taylor, legal counsel to the Public Trustee, made a presentation with respect to Children’s Trusts and the Role of The Public Trustee’s Office.  Finally, John Delaney made a presentation in June, 2011 with respect to International Will Issues, to a joint session of the International Law Section and the Wills, Estates and Trusts Section.  

In addition to the CPDs, the members of the Wills, Estates and Trusts Section were again active in participating in Will Week  ‐  Estate Planning for Your Future.    Section members made presentations during Will Week to approximately 600 members of the public at 14 public information sessions.   

Finally, the work of the Q.B. Rules Sub‐committee reviewing the current Queen’s Bench Estate Tariff has continued.  It is hoped that, in this the 40th year of the existing Estate Tariff, the Queen’s Bench Tariff pertaining to Estate matters will complete the update process and be approved for use by the members of the Bar.

Respectfully submitted,
Peter J. Glowacki, Co‐Chair
